Reveal your Natural Beauty with Color Analysis

DIY color analysis online and get personalized seasonal color palettes in less than 1 minute with Dressika AI Color Analysis app!

What is Color Analisys?

Look your best & feel confident in your personal colors.

Personal color analysis in less than 1 minute

In-person seasonal color analysis with color consultant costs ~ $500 and can take much time. Dressika is an AI-powered mobile app for seasonal color analysis. This app gives detailed personal color analysis in less than 1 minute! Detect your seasonal color type online in two taps.

Color season

The app detects 1 of 12 seasons based on seasonal color theory

Natural palette

The app recognizes all natural shades of the face

Personal color code

The app calculates personal color metrics

Just take one selfie to get ...

170 makeup colors

eyeshadows, checks, lips 

120 personal colors

20 variants of clothing, 12 textures

How colors can change me?

Look at these girls. Are they similar?

A little, but...

Cool Winter

Cold | Soft | Medium Dark

Cold and light skin tone, expressive brown eyes,  light hair. Recommended colors:  cold, medium saturated, light and dark.  Not recommended colors: warm, very saturated.

Soft Autumn

Warm | Soft | Medium Dark

Warm skin tone, light eyes, medium dark hair. Recommended colors: warm, not saturated, delicate, with addition of gray. Not recommended colors: cold, very saturated, dark.

Find your red from millions of shades

Your skin and eyes have beautiful shade and glow when you wear these colors, they match your saturation. The color must not stand out more than your appearance. The face remains expressive.

My color palettes: first impression without words

Combine 120 colors from the seasonal color palettes to create stylish, trendy & fashion looks. Add favorite colors to the color palette using a color wheel. Mix and match looks and accessories using an additional color palette with color combinations.

Intelligent color matching can help you to find your shade from any color.

Shade matters ✨

Do not limit yourself by wearing only certain colors. Try on shades you've never tried before. You can wear any color, you just need to choose the right shade.   Search for combinations to create new outfits. Your outfit looks harmonious when all its parts are combined with each other in color. Choose combinations for your looks depending on your mood.

It's hard to find what suits you best.

Try on various models of clothing

It's hard to find what suits you best.

 Taking into account that color can look different on different materials, try on all colors of your palette on different models of clothes: from a silk top to a wool jacket.

Stores sell a huge number of clothes with different colors and materials. 

Virtual makeup try-on

The theory of 12 color types says that it's important to consider what colors are near with the face. Therefore, makeup colors are of great importance. If you know in advance which colors are suitable for you, then you don't have any difficulties with buying cosmetics.

Hair color changer

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